

Is there anything I should not do after wrinkles treatment?

We recommend the following precautions to allow the wrinkle treatment to work optimally in the targeted muscles:

  • No rubbing or massaging of the injected area for 4 hours after treatment, including facials.

  • No strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Keep upright for 4 hours — no lying on your front.

  • Avoid headwear that is tightly fitted across the forehead.

  • Reduce excessive alcohol consumption or medically necessary blood-thinning medication before the treatment to minimise bruising risk

Is there anything I should not do after facial/lip contouring treatment?

We recommend the following precautions to allow the dermal filler to settle and integrate into the tissue optimally:

  • No touching the area for 24 hours after treatment

  • No rubbing or massaging of the injected area for 2-3 days after treatment

  • No strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment

  • No saunas, spas, pools for 2-3 days after treatment

  • Reduce alcohol consumption or blood-thinning medication 1 week before and 1 week after treatment to minimise bruising and swelling risk (minimum no drinking for 24 hours after treatment)

How soon after treatment can I go back to my normal exercise regime?

Patients can resume normal daily activities immediately following treatment. Light exercise (gentle walking) can be performed immediately however strenuous activities are avoided for 24 hours (anti wrinkle) or 3 days (dermal filler).

Are there any possible side effects?

 In most cases, there will be no side effects to treatment. However, because everybody’s physiology is different, people can be affected in different ways. A small minority of people reported the following side effects.

  • Bleeding or bruising — For the majority of patients, the area of injection will appear no different. For a small minority, some minor bleeding or bruising may occur.

  • Bumps — A few minutes after treatment small bumps may be visible on the skin. These will disappear very quickly.

  • Allergic reaction — allergies are very uncommon, however there is a risk of allergy to any medication.

  • Headache — Temporary headache is the most commonly reported symptom following anti-wrinkle injectables, though the numbers of patients who report headaches is very small compared with the number of treatments performed. Any headache can be treated with paracetamol.

  • Muscle droop — there is a very low risk of developing a temporary muscle droop in a nearby muscle (i.e eyelid/eyebrow/corner of mouth droop) for anti wrinkle treatment

  • Serious adverse events – serious adverse effects are rare, however if you develop difficulty breathing or visual changes, please contact us ASAP and/or visit your nearest emergency department.

    Specific to facial contouring:

  • Inflammatory reaction to the product - either soon after treatment or months down the track - can require steroids/antibiotics/dissolving for treatment

  • Lumps/nodules/granuloma - lumps can become visible under the skin either soon after treatment or months down the track - these can require dissolving of the product with hyalase, sometimes in combination with steroids/antibiotics.

  • Vascular occlusion (blood vessel being blocked, interfering with blood supply to the skin, causing skin necrosis). This could lead to scarring/permanent skin damage, or in very rare instances blindness or stroke. Hyalase (reversal agent) can be used to reverse a blocked artery. Vascular occlusion is very uncommon.

Are wrinkle treatments long-lasting?

Although some people experience longer-lasting results, scientific evidence shows that the effect of Botulinum Toxin injections usually last 12 weeks.

Are facial/lip contouring injections long-lasting?

Depending on the area being treated, most facial contouring treatments last between 1-2 years.

Can I keep having wrinkle treatments?

Yes. Wrinkle treatment does not ‘build up’ or accumulate in your system. We recommend scheduled treatments at about 12-16 weeks. Once the effects have worn off it is safe for you to top up treatments in the same area (minimum 12 weeks between treatments of the same area). It is also perfectly safe to have multiple treatments in different areas at the same time.

What happens when wrinkle treatment wears off?

Once the treatment wears off, your muscles will function as they did before the injectables. This means that the wrinkles you smoothed or reduced will slowly begin to appear again. You will simply witness old wrinkles reappearing.

Can I wear make-up after my treatment?

Avoid applying make-up for 24 hours post treatment to reduce the risk of infection. Again, it is recommended that you do not apply too much pressure during these activities in order to ensure that the injectable treatment does not disperse from the treated area.

What if my wrinkle results are not what I expected?

The results of wrinkle treatment usually show through from 3–5 days to 2 weeks post-treatment. We review the technical and aesthetic results after this time in a follow-up session at around 2 weeks post treatment.

What if my facial/lip contouring results are not what I expected?

The results of facial contouring treatment take appromixately 4 weeks to fully settle. We review the technical and aesthetic results after this time in a follow-up session at around 4 weeks post treatment.