
What are Biostimulators?

Biostimulators are a treatment designed to stimulate your own immune system to produce collagen and elastin. This is done through stimulating cells known as fibroblasts to increase their production of collagen & elastin, in turn slowing down the aging process, and reducing skin laxity. 

Biostimulators are at the frontier of regenerative medicine, as they directly target and switch on cell processes that are reduced or lost we age. 


  • - Boost natural collagen 

    - Improve skin quality

    - Restore skin structure and volume 

    - Gradual global volume improvement 

    - Smooth wrinkles 

    - Improve skin tightness

    - Reduce skin laxity 

    - Tighten jawline/jowls

  • Treatment is usually a full face treatment, targeting a range of areas at one time including temples, cheeks, pre-auricular area, smiles lines, marionette lines, and jawline/jowls. 

    Treatment can be targeted to one area specially, however it is recommended to have full face treatment for best results. 

    Treatment can also be used in the neck.

  • Usually 3 treatment sessions, spaced 6 weeks apart are required. Results usually last around 2 years. Following this, one maintenance session per year is usually required.

  • Depending on your age and the amount of volume loss or skin laxity, treatment pricing will be discussed during your consultation. Due to TGA regulations we cannot list the price online.


Before and After 2 sessions of Biostimulators

  • Microscopic crystals that are present in the treatment induce a mild inflammatory reaction under the skin. This "triggers" the formation of new collagen - white blood cells surrounding the microcrystals recruit collagen-producing fibroblasts. Collagen production gradually increases, making the volume-enhancing results of the treatment apparent in about four to six weeks. The treatment is then repeated at the 6 week mark and the process begins again.

  • Patients of all ages and gender are suitable candidates, however the older you are or more sun damaged skin you have, generally the more treatment sessions are required. The body’s ability to stimulate collagen reduces as we age.

    Biostimulators cannot be used in mobile areas of the face, such as around the mouth, nasolabial folds, or forehead. Facial contouring treatments can be used in these areas, so the two treatment modalities are often complementary.

    Biostimulators are not advised for people with active autoimmune conditions, those prone to keloid formation, active acne, or active infection. They are not suitable if you are breast feeding or pregnant.

  • Local anaesthetic is added to the Biostimulator treatment which means most patients experience little discomfort.

    Some discomfort can be experienced for the first few days following treatment, with over the counter medications such as Panadol being used if required.

  • The treatment involves minimal downtime. Effects are gradual and take time to develop.

    It is normal to not notice much difference immediately after treatment. For the first 1-2 days, you may notice a filling effect from the fluid that is present in the treatment, however this fluid is absorbed by the body and you usually return to the pre-treatment state. The true and lasting effects of Biostimulators take weeks or months to become evident. You are generally able to resume normal daily activities as soon as the treatment is complete, though you may take it easy for the first few days following treatment to minimise swelling and discomfort.

  • Treatments reactions may occur including bleeding, swelling, redness, pain, itching, infection, allergic reaction, discolouration, bruising, and tenderness at the treatment site. These typically resolve within 2-6 days.

    Because the treatment is a suspension containing water, there will be initial swelling that will be noticeable for at least 2 hours and may last as long as 2 days. The effect is temporary and does not affect the long term tissue response.

    Induration, or a feeling of fullness and thickness can be felt in the injection areas. Massaging the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days after the treatment is required.

    A possible delayed side effect is the appearance of a small lumps or bumps under the skin termed nodules. If this occurs, they can be non-visible or visible and may be felt in the areas of the treatment. Typically, these nodules may only be felt when pressing on the skin. They tend to happen within the first 6-12 months after treatment.

    There is a very low risk of vascular occlusion. Vascular occlusion occurs as a result of a blood vessel being blocked, interfering with blood supply to the skin, with eventual skin necrosis if left untreated. This could lead to scarring/permanent skin damage, or in very rare instances blindness or stroke. Hyalase (reversal agent) and saline solution can be used to reverse a blocked artery. Vascular occlusion is very rare, especially with Biostimulators as the treatment is a suspension (thin fluid).